Punching Elder Gods in the Face!

Cthulhu Death May Die is absurd. The notion is that you're taking a few deranged investigators, complete with their own psychosis eval, on a mission to disrupt a ritual in order to actually bring a giant Elder God onto your map so you can punch him in the face. And it's oh so wonderful. It took me a long time to get this game. I'm not sure why, honestly. I love horror themes in my cardboard. I've always loved the Cthulhu mythos, and I admire a game that doesn't take itself too seriously. Check, check, check. Yet I didn't get this gem until very recently. And boy do I wish I had gotten into it earlier. You see, CDMD is a CMON game. They are notorious for over producing their games and having Kickstarters that include stretch goals out the buttox. This one's no different. I recently backed the newest campaign, which I believe is Season 5. The amount of extra content I'm going to get for cheaper than I bought my retail copy of Season 1 is insane. If you...